IRISmart File
Intelligent software for semi-automatic naming and classification of documents (electronic and paper)

Windows 7, 8 and 10

Forget your everyday administrative hassles
Ideal for freelancers, microbusinesses and SME, IRISmart File will help you carry out long, slow everyday administrative tasks quicker than ever before. Anyone who wants to file a large amount of paper or electronic files into ordered folders quickly and efficiently will find this intelligent software to be a major ally. Whether you manage contracts, bids, medical certificates, minutes, legal reports or architectural plans – all of your documents are sorted semi-automatically on a hyper-structured, consistent basis, ready to be shared easily and retrieved quickly!
Supercharge your administrative tasks: easy, optimised filing of all your documents!
Naming & classification
Automatic creation of tree structures
Lightning fast
Automatic separation
Export to the Cloud
Create compressed and indexed PDFs
Extensive import options
Advanced image processing
Intuitive interface so you can get started right away
- Simple, refined design that offers you all the features you need to classify files efficiently
- Optimal previews of your files: thumbnails that you can move, split and delete…
- Import your documents into the software instantly with a simple Drag & Drop
- Easy navigation among multiple batches of documents and different folder trees
- View editable fields: content recognition on the fly, file configuration and free text fields
- Helpful toolbars for publishing and image processing: image correction, adjustment, rotation, cropping, etc.
Intuitive and intelligent classification of all your documents
Semi-automatic naming & classification of files
Rapid, parallel processing of several batches of files (30 PPM)
Large selection of import formats

Compatible with most scanners (TWAIN)
Easy file archiving & retrieval
Integration of Cloud & DMS exports
Image publishing & processing tools
Discover the power of our modules
This IRISmart File module enables you to rename all of your documents (paper or electronic), on the fly, according to your own needs by specifying the folder in which they will be stored individually (in compressed and indexed PDF format).
This second IRISmart File module enables you to file each document (paper or electronic) on the fly, on the basis of a predefined naming structure in a corresponding folder tree structure for easy retrieval.
Efficiently manage the lifecycle of your files
Create specific folder tree structures, dedicated to each supplier, client, entity, or project… that you or your colleagues need to track.
These predefined folders will contain your different batches of compressed and renamed documents – information which can be retrieved from anywhere at any time.
IRISmart File will simplify life for you and your employees once and for all!

Take full advantage of the potential of your documents
Import, merge, split, etc.

Export to ultra-light compressed PDF
Create indexed PDFs automatically
IRISmart File - Resources
Technical information
IRISmart File is compatible with MFPs thanks to the Scan from Folders functionality.
Note: when using a Twain-based scanner, at least Twain version 1.9 or higher is required.
Interface languages English, Français, Nederlands, Deutsch, Espanol, Portugues, Italiano, Japanese, Magyar, Cestina
Minimum computer requirements
- 2GHz processor (32- or 64-bits)
- 4 GB RAM
- 5 GB free hard disk space
Recommended System Requirements Processor Intel i7 or similar. 2.6 GHz or faster (64 bits), with at least 2 cores.
10 GB free hard disk space, preferably on a Solid State Disk drive.
Internet connection.
Supported Operating Systems Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit)
Windows Server 2012 (64 bits)
Windows 8 (32 and 64 bit)
Windows 8.1 (32 and 64 bit)
Windows 10 (32 and 64 bit)
Important note about Virtual Machines: some virtual machines running on a laptop or small computer may not be usable. Some scanners are not recognised properly and the IRISmart File installation may fail if the Virtual Machine is not up to date with the latest Windows updates. Also note that a Virtual Machine must have at least 4 virtual cores.
About OCR