Readiris 17 for Windows
Many possible conversions!
Scan and Import
Twain scanner compatibility
Readiris 17 is compatible with most scanners on the market. The Twain specification allows direct compatibility.
Right-click to convert & export
Readiris 17 lets you convert and export your documents with a single right-click of your mouse. It’s fast and easy!
Multi-format import
Readiris 17 lets you import many different formats, such as: PDF, JPEG, DOC, RTF, JPEG, PNG, PPT, etc.
More than 130 languages
Readiris 17 recognizes more than 130 languages. It uses proprietary dictionaries, making it incredibly accurate.
Scan from your all-in-one copier
Readiris 17 lets you scan with your all-in-one copier.
Automatic image correction and rotation
Readiris 17 lets you adjust and rotate documents that are tilted or upside down.
Readiris 17 provides the best conversion on the market of all your documents to Microsoft Word files.
With Readiris 17, convert your documents and books to EPUB format for easy reading on your e-reader.
Thanks to its user-friendly interface, Readiris 17 lets you convert all your documents to PDF format.
Readiris 17 lets you extract the text from many documents.
Do you want to convert your documents to audio files (Wav ou MP3)?
Readiris 17 is the solution for you.
Convert your PDF tables to Microsoft Excel spreadsheets thanks to Readiris 17.
Text correction
Readiris 17 lets you correct the text in a document before exporting it. It’s a real time-saver!
Text embedded in image
Been dreaming of being able to modify a text embedded in an image? Readiris 17 will make that dream come true.
Reorganizing a document
The power of Readiris 17 lets you reorganize your documents very fast.
Text annotation
Thanks to Readiris 17, you can add comments and annotations to your PDF documents.
Editing in a text editor (Word, Notepad, etc.)
Because Readiris 17 exports to Word, Notepad, Page, Writer, etc., your documents are editable quickly and easily.
Audio annotation
One of the many PDF features of Readiris 17 is the ability to save audio commentary in your PDF documents.
Edit a PDF
Need to update the text of a PDF file? Thanks to Readiris 17, you can modify your document in a few seconds.
Split and merge a PDF
Merge and combine PDF files and put them in the order you want. It’s very fast and easy! Select the page range, separate a page, or convert each page of the document into an independent PDF file.
Compress a PDF
Reduce the size of your PDF files in a few clicks. Up to 50 times more compact, thanks to IRIS iHQC technology.
Annotate a PDF (highlighting, underlining, strikethrough)
You can highlight, underline, or strike through text in a PDF with Readiris 17
Protect and sign a PDF
Password-protect your PDF files and sign your PDF documents electronically.
Watermark on PDF
Why put a watermark in your PDF files?
You can apply a “Confidential” watermark to pages containing sensitive information, for example.
Advanced Use
Thanks to Readiris Corporate 17, use PDF/A format for the storage and long-term archiving of your electronic documents.
Watched folders
Thanks to the watched folders feature of Readiris Corporate 17, when you place a file to be converted in a selected folder, it is automatically converted and exported.
Higher compression
Readiris Corporate 17 lets you achieve unrivaled compression levels.
Several languages on the same page
Readiris Corporate 17 can recognize up to five languages in a single document.
Batch conversion of files
This incredible feature of Readiris Corporate 17 lets you convert different documents in specific folders.
Export to SharePoint/Therefore/FTP
Readiris Corporate 17 can export to Therefore, FTP & Sharepoint.