Save Valuable Time and Step-Up Your Productivity with these 5 Awesome Products
Using these IRIS Products will help you streamline your work-flow, save you time and increase your productivity in ways you have never imagined.
IRIScan Mouse 2: Scan Any Document at Your Fingertips with a Simple Click
The IRIScan Mouse puts the functionality of a computer mouse and a portable scanner with advanced OCR functions at your fingertips. With your mouse scanner you or your staff can scan, amend, update and edit existing documents or build new documents like reports or proposals using content from multiple sources which could include text, tables and images. You can even copy content in tables from books or other paper based documents (like bank statements) directly into excel in editable format. With it’s seamless integration into Twitter and Facebook, you can also scan and share interesting articles, images, or excerpts from books, newspapers, or magazines instantly with your community.
IRIScan Book 5: Be Able to Scan Policies and Client Documentation No-Matter Where You Are
As a broker, you are always on the run between your office, clients, and prospects. Keeping records of everything and having good quality copies of all the required supporting documents is of paramount importance: to speed-up the processing of applications and issuing of policies or contracts. With the IRIScan™ Book 5 you can scan any document up to A4 size; ID’s or books on-the-go in high definition (up to 1200 dpi). Not only is this the fastest book scanner in the world, it also takes up little space in your brief case and needs no computer or power cable to use when charged. If you want to be more productive, mobile, and efficient, the IRIScan™ Book 5 is just the product for you. It comes bundled with our award-winning OCR software. With our IRIScan™ Book 5 Wifi version, you can also scan directly to any mobile device and store your documents in the Cloud.
ReadIris 17: Save Time by Instantly Converting Scanned Text and PDF Files into Editable Text
Brokers often get documents from third parties in formats which cannot be edited, updated or converted into usable formats. In many cases, you end-up having to re-type or rebuild these documents. With Readiris™ 17, you never have to re-type or rebuild documents again. You can now easily convert and edit documents or combine content from various sources to merge into a single document. With Readiris™ 17 you can even split, merge, compress, add comments, and annotations (including voice annotations) to your PDF documents; or convert them to e-books or audio files. Why read any document, industry report, or new legislation, when you can listen to it at home, in the car or when you have a break in-between meetings?
IRISNotes 3: Transcribe Your Handwritten Notes as you Write
As an Insurance and Investment Broker, taking and keeping on-record any customer related notes is not only critical to your business, but also a cornerstone of compliancy. With the IRISNotes™ 3, you can save your notes digitally in written format or have them typed out for you whilst you write. In-addition to this, you can edit, export, save, and share them in Text, Word or PDF format and send them instantly via email. This smart digital pen even recognises your drawings; which you save as an image (JPEG format) and use as an illustration in a Word document, or archive on your computer. With our IRISNotes™ 3 Air version, you can even send notes to your smartphone, tablet, iPhone, and iPad via Bluetooth.
IRISCompressor Pro: Efficient Document Searching and Disk-Space Saving Compression Software
Storing and keeping track of all the documents on your computer can be a painful and time-consuming exercise. Not only does it take up an enormous amount of storage space, it also often requires you to sift through many documents before actually finding what you want, when you need it. IRISCompressor™ Pro software not only enables you to compress images, scans and PDF Files up to 20 times their original size (without altering their resolution or legibility) but also makes them all completely searchable by simply using a key word to look for the document you need. By reducing the size of your documents and images, you also free-up more storage space; reduce the upload and download speed of documents, and overcome the need to split documents before uploading them, due to file size limitations.